Obviously this goes against many of the concepts we emphasize in No-Till Farmer, but I was interested in understanding the “why” behind this no-till farmer’s decision to plow again on heavy soils.
Prior to working with the UNL TAPS farm management program (Testing Ag Performance Solutions), I had not fully understood the economic impact that the seed selection decision potentially has on farm profitability.
Research firm Kynetec independently conducted the 2024 Farmer Voice Survey, which polled 2,000 farmers across Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Ukraine and the United States.
Corey Chicoine of Elk Point, South Dakota, Brandon Hope of Sinai, South Dakota, and Brandon Fast of Mountain Lake, Minnesota, all grow both corn and soybeans. For each of them, the year was dry, though not nearly as bad as last year.
Farmers can readily see the negative impact of adverse weather, plant disease and pests on their yields. As its name implies, “invisible loss” can’t be observed but can be prevented by harvesting early and drying their grain
The Mecosta Farm Bureau hosted a tillage field day in Big Rapids, Mich., in 2014 with the goal of comparing the effects of different tillage types on the production of corn and soil structure.
To make the most of their sandy topsoil and diverse cropping system, Wisconsin strip-tillers Eric and Megan Wallendal rely on targeted fertilizer applications and soil preservation.
The wet fields that have delayed growers from harvesting also increases the risk for yield loss from wildlife damage and weak plant integrity due to unfavorable weather conditions.
Using manure, evaluating fertilizer programs and working closely with agri-businesses are keys to growing above-average yields and improving profits for Oskaloosa, Iowa, strip-tiller Michael Vos.
Strip-Till Farmer delivers a mix of features on strip-till farmers, strip-till management topics and trending practices in strip-till. This FREE quarterly print newsletter is available to qualified subscribers in the U.S. and Canada.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, 4 Leopold Conservation Award recipients — Russell Hedrick, Richard Lyons, Colleen Kershaw and Wendy Mariko Johnson highlight some of the unique conservation practices on their farms.
Environmental Tillage Systems is a leading manufacturer of strip-till and nutrient-management equipment which enhances soil productivity and farm profitability.
Kuhn Krause's focus, above all, is to continue to produce quality products to serve producers better; to strive to respond to their needs with new tools and new technology to meet their growing challenges. Agronomic practices are constantly changing, and at a faster pace now than ever.
For over 90 years, Yetter Farm Equipment has designed and manufactured innovative and effective solutions for the agriculture industry. Today, we are proud to be recognized worldwide as an industry leader in designing row cleaners, strip till tools, planter attachments, precision fertilizer placement attachments, rotary hoes, toolbars, and harvest attachments.