Wheat harvest date could impact both grain yield and quality. Delaying wheat harvest puts the crop at risk for increased disease, lodging, sprouting, harvest loss, and grain contamination with mycotoxins, says Ohio State University Extension.
A good way to determine whether you have a major ear rot problem this year is to quantify the disease and get suspect samples tested for mycotoxins, says Ohio State University Extension.
It is already the third week of October and most of the corn is still standing in the field. Some of the earlier-planted fields are being harvested, but at relatively high moisture levels. This is causing some concern among producers as to the potential for ear rot and mycotoxin problems. In fact, we've already received several samples of moldy ears from some fields, but so far the problem does not seem to be widespread, with only a few fields affected and not every ear rot is associated with vomitoxin or other mycotoxin contamination of the grain.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, we honor the life and legacy of Bill Richards — the ‘Grandfather of No-Till’ — who passed away Tuesday at the age of 93.
Environmental Tillage Systems is a leading manufacturer of strip-till and nutrient-management equipment which enhances soil productivity and farm profitability.
Kuhn Krause's focus, above all, is to continue to produce quality products to serve producers better; to strive to respond to their needs with new tools and new technology to meet their growing challenges. Agronomic practices are constantly changing, and at a faster pace now than ever.
For over 90 years, Yetter Farm Equipment has designed and manufactured innovative and effective solutions for the agriculture industry. Today, we are proud to be recognized worldwide as an industry leader in designing row cleaners, strip till tools, planter attachments, precision fertilizer placement attachments, rotary hoes, toolbars, and harvest attachments.