At the time of this article’s publication in the Agronomy eUpdate, the February existing stocks order is the last document related to dicamba registration published on the EPA website.
The changes, requested by pesticide registrants in consultation with those states, are intended to reduce risks from the use of over-the-top dicamba, an herbicide used to control certain types of broadleaf weeds.
After several days of confusion about a federal court decision revoking certain dicamba registrations, and whether or not states had to comply, the EPA has offered clarity on future sales and use of existing stocks.
Up until last week, dicamba-related complaints in Illinois were minimal for 2019. A recent uptick in complaints, however, dashed any hope that off-target issues would be less this year than during the previous two growing seasons, according to the University of Illinois.
Proper maintenance and clean-out of the spray lines, especially following an application of dicamba and 2,4-D, is just as important as maintenance of the entire tank, says University of Missouri Extension.
Arkansas has placed restrictions on the use of new dicamba herbicides, while Missouri introduced bills that will amend the approval process for herbicides and herbicide-resistant seed, as well the sale of herbicide-resistant seed if the corresponding herbicide has not garnered approval.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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