Blazing a Path to Profitability with Controlled Traffic Farming

Blazing a Path to Profitability with Controlled Traffic Farming


Product Details

Have you ever thought about the benefits you could accrue from adding controlled traffic farming (CTF) to your no-till operation? Your counterparts in Canada, Europe and Australia certainly have and they’re using this practice to eliminate troublesome compaction.

The organization CTF Europe says farmers can expect as much as a 15% increase in profitability and a 20% reduction in machinery costs by adopting controlled traffic, along with better water infiltration and fertilizer-use efficiency.

Discover how to boost no-till yields, fight compaction, save fuel, improve soil health and more with this NEW report by the editors of No-Till Farmer! Here's a snapshot of what you'll learn from this 24-page report...

  • Controlled Traffic 101: What You Need to Know — The basics of CTF can boost yields by 5-8%, minimize compaction by limiting field traffic and designate permanent tramlines.
  • How Compaction Hurts Yields and What CTF Can Do About it — Subsoil and pinch-row compaction can cause major yield losses, but controlled traffic can bolster the productivity of no-tilled soils.
  • Sizing Up Equipment Needs and Where to Start— Whether it's precision tools, tires or new irons, we share essential guidelines on what's needed to implement controlled traffic on your no-till farm.
  • A Permanent Pathway for Long-Term, Sustainable No-Till— Learn from pioneering no-tillers in the U.S. and Canada using CTF who have improved efficiency and profitability within their no-till operations.
  • And Much, Much More!

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