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Conservation Ag Update is the one-stop-shop for all things no-till, strip-till, cover crops and more! This broadcast style newscast covers the latest conservation ag stories affecting your operation, as well as product innovations and strategies from veteran no-tillers and strip-tillers. Have a story idea or photo/video you'd like us to feature? Email Noah Newman at
Conservation Ag Update is brought to you by Sound Agriculture.
Sound Agriculture delivers bioinspired solutions that enrich soil and improve crops. Our synergistic products empower growers to achieve success while minimizing environmental impact. SOURCE®️ activates the soil microbiome, unlocking nutrients for crops through advanced chemistry. BLUEPRINT™️ offers the highest-quality arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), extending root systems to improve nutrient and water access. Beyond our products, Sound leads the way with programs that support growers in adopting sustainable practices to reduce reliance on synthetic fertilizers while maintaining productivity and profitability.
The Strip-Till Farmer podcast is brought to you by Yetter Farm Equipment.
Since 1930, Yetter Farm Equipment has been providing farmers with profitable solutions. From residue management and fertilizer placement to seedbed preparation, our equipment is designed to maximize your inputs, save you time, and deliver a strong return on investment. Explore our full line of planter attachments, precision fertilizer placement options, strip-till units, and stalk rollers at Let Yetter help you prepare your equipment lineup for success today.
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