David Myerholtz
Farming in an area that drains directly into the Western Lake Eerie Basin, Gibsonburg, Ohio, strip-tiller David Myerholtz intensively manages nutrient application on his 1,500-acre corn, soybean and wheat operation.
With an emphasis on the 4Rs of nutrient management, he’s adapted cover crops, split nitrogen applications and variable-rate fertilizing into his strip-till system to reduce erosion and fertilizer runoff.
“Our goal is to be prepared and proactive when it comes to nutrient management practices,” Myerholtz says. “Strip-till fits into our philosophy of being good stewards of the land.”
During a classroom session on Wednesday, Aug. 3, at the 2016 National Strip-Tillage Conference, Myerholtz will share his experience and evolution with developing a comprehensive fertility program based on the four cornerstones of nutrient management in strip-till.
The host Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Normal, Ill., will offer an ideal learning environment for attendees to absorb dozens upon dozens of actionable strip-till practices from fellow farmers, consultants, university specialists and other agricultural experts through general sessions, strip-till classrooms, roundtable discussions, hallway networking and a special members-only workshop.
Preliminary plans for the event include 7 general session speakers, 12 classrooms covering a range of strip-till topics, including cover cropping, precision farming practices and equipment modifications, and 20 roundtable discussions.
Stay tuned for more conference updates by visiting www.StripTillConference.com and we’ll see you in central Illinois!