
Adopting Smart Strip-Till Methods to Strengthen Soils, Increase Yields - Jerry Ackermann - NSTC 2016 - MP3 Download


Product Details

Farming variable soils in southwestern Minnesota, Jerry Ackermann has a goal of raising 200-bushel corn on 140 pounds of nitrogen. At 190-bushel yields, he and his wife, Nancy, are pretty close to achieving it. Aggressive — but calculated — experimentation with fertilization practices and strip-till trials on their 1,200 acre operation in Lakefield, Minn., have helped decrease input costs and overcome climate challenges to raise corn yields that are commonly 20 bushels per acre above the county average. Ackermann will break down their motives and methods for reducing the ratio of applied nitrogen per bushel of corn to increase production and explain why sometimes, the highest yields aren’t the most economical.

(Total Run Time: 47 Minutes; File Size: 20 Megabytes)

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Attendees of the 2016 National Strip-Tillage Conference should e-mail or call Sue Ramstack at sramstack@lessitermedia.com or (800) 645-8455, x407, to receive a special code that allows you to purchase each presentation file with audio for just $4.95. Sue will confirm that you attended the Bloomington-Normal, Illinois, event before providing you the code.

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